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Top 5 tips for successful home working | Drew Forsyth & Co

Written by Lucy | Jan 23, 2021 2:53:33 PM

If you’re working from home a lot more these days it is important to establish your own space, whether that’s the end of a breakfast bar in the kitchen, a corner of the living room or a spare spot in the bedroom. What is important wherever your workspace for home working happens to be, is that it is positive and creative.

Here are our top five tips on how to make the perfect workspace for home working, whatever your set-up:

Make the most of any natural light. If possible, set up your desk by a window. If not, or if night-time working is more your thing then invest in a good reading lamp. Avoid the room being too dark, as this will put a strain on your eyes and signal your brain to shut off, resulting in headaches and drowsiness right when you really need to be getting some work done.

Keep moving. While it’s definitely a good idea to carve out a spot where you can keep paperwork and a laptop without having to clear it all away to make room for your dinner, working from home doesn’t mean you have to spend all your time sitting at a desk. Switch things up by moving to a new location, a shady spot in the garden on a warm day, the dining table or even the sofa – a change of scenery can actually help to keep you motivated.

Tidy up and get organised. Storage for all those office essentials is important to keep things orderly. If you don’t have a dedicated desk space then not to worry, even a drawer or two in a bedroom chest of drawers or a box system in the under stairs cupboard will work too. The important thing is to ensure you know where everything is and paperwork is easy to get hold of as and when you need it.

Avoid distractions. Some people work really well with the TV on in the background for company, others find music is a great motivator. For many though, only complete silence will do. Think about how you work best normally and then try to emulate this atmosphere at home. If you’re the kind of person that can’t settle until all the housework is done then crack on with that early so it’s not on your mind, or set up your workspace in a room away from the piles of laundry and untidy kids’ bedroom so you can separate home from work life.

Create a sense of calm. The days are often busy and can get stressful when you’re juggling home and work life. Introduce some plants and greenery to your workspace as these are good for your wellbeing. Pitching up your workspace where you have a view of your garden can also help, and opening a window for fresh air will keep your mind fresh too.

Ready to plan your dream space for home working? Why not request a brochure